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24.07 Release Notes

Note: testRTC has updated the release version numbers to align with Cyara releases. Going forward, each release will be numbered as CalendarYear.ReleaseNumber (ie 24.07 is the 7th release version of 2024). Read below for all of the updates included in this version of testRTC


The table views around testRTC are being revamped and improved. This time, we’ve focused on all qualityRTC and probeRTC tables, modernizing them and making them easier to use.


New insights: We’ve introduced 11 new Insights. Now that we’ve seen how powerful this new tool is, we are going to add new insights with each release. And don’t worry, there are quite a few planned in our pipeline already. The biggest wow moment was looking at the insights that our customers get – each customer has different areas of focus. So, we decided to make a how to for this 😎

qualityRTC & probeRTC

Charts in qualityRTC: You can now plot on a set of charts results that belong to the same user over time. To do that, search per the user’s identifier, be it email or any other identifier you use. Then click on the new VIEW SESSIONS button.

A new MACHINE widget: There’s a new MACHINE widget available. Along with the Chrome companion, it places everything about the device of the user front and center:

Other than that, you might notice that we’re continuing our face lift of the UI. This time our focus was on qualityRTC and probeRTC in the areas of the tables in the application. We’re unifying their look and feel – something that we will continue doing everywhere in testRTC.

Dark mode: For those who want, qualityRTC now supports dark mode configuration. This can be directly enabled for users but also as a URL Parameter for those embedding qualityRTC pages inside their own web applications.


Data Stream Updates: Data stream objects now include also the network type and remote server’s location for the peers in the room. They also include billable minutes now.

SDK Improvements: You can now map peer connections to display names, making your application easier to analyze using watchRTC

Here and there:
  1. We've added 6 new Insights. This time, they are all based on customer requests (thanks for the suggestions!).
  2. We now check if the video camera output feels a wee bit too static and call it out. This may indicate a problem with the camera itself.
  3. Our installed probeRTC daemon now supports trace routing where needed.
  4. Our trusty testRTC companion, now also shares the number of tabs open in the browser even if it doesn’t list their content.
  5. Our video camera test now validates to make sure input isn’t black screen or static and provides a warning if that happens.
  6. Where we can, we also share operating system versions.
  7. The Overview section of peer results now displays the network type (Direct/UDP, Direct/TCP, TURN/UDP, TURN/TCP, or TURN/TLS) directly. So now you don’t have to click around to get to this information.

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