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Status 3500 - Call failed to connect

Call failed to connect. Read the full article to learn more.

Code: 3500
Type: Error
Category: Signaling
Products: testingRTC, watchRTC, analyzeRTC
Message: Call failed to connect

What is this about?

When a session is being analyzed but there is no connected WebRTC peer connection in it, testRTC checks if there was a failure to connect.

Here are the reasons where we decide the call failed to connect:

  1. GetUserMedia call failed
  2. There was an ICE negotiation failure
  3. Error in calling addIceCandidate, setLocalDescription or setRemoteDescription
  4. ICE connection state never gets to Connected state

Potential risks

We’re here to connect calls. If we couldn’t then there’s likely a problem that needs to be addressed.

Suggested actions to take

  • Assuming you wanted the call to connect, drill down to check the reasons why it failed
  • On aggregate, track to see what's the failure rate you see for connecting calls

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