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Getting to know testRTC analyser

analyzeRTC is a set of technologies and capabilities that testRTC employs to collect, analyze and visualize test results of WebRTC sessions. Due to its nature, analyzeRTC can be viewed as a feature used by testRTC’s testingRTC and upRTC products and as standalone service of its own.


The collection element of analyzeRTC is built on two main technologies:

  1. Chrome’s webrtc-internals dump files. analyzeRTC is capable of parsing and analyzing these files generated by Chrome, both in their spec-compliant format and in their legacy format
  2. getstats(). By calling getstats() directly and collecting its data in a proprietary format devised by the rtcstats open source project

analyzeRTC can perform its tasks with any of the alternatives above. The collection itself can happen in multiple ways:

  • In testingRTC and upRTC test scripts. There, testRTC is responsible to automatically collect the results for you as the test scripts are executed
  • By directly uploading a webrtc-internals dump file into testRTC for analysis. This is useful when you have such a file created by a user or by you directly
  • Using the analyzeRTC Chrome extension, making the collection of WebRTC sessions a breeze when users complain


When a WebRTC data file is uploaded into analyzeRTC, either directly or indirectly, it undergoes certain analysis tasks.

These include:

  • Score calculation
  • Statistics aggregation
  • Custom metrics calculation
  • Evaluation of expectations

Some of the above take place only when running test scripts while other take place at all times.

The analysis can be done on a single browser level or on an aggregate of data files collected from multiple browsers in parallel.


analyzeRTC visualization capabilities take place in 3 different layers:

  1. High level view, where data is aggregated and displayed across multiple probes/browsers
  2. Single browser view, where data is analyzed and displayed for a single probe/browser. At this level, you get the highlights of the session results
  3. Internals view, where all data is made available in an easy and visual manner for you to dive deeper into the results

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