Jitter indicates the deviation from the periodic receival of media packets in milliseconds. The higher the jitter, the lower the overall media quality of the session is. testRTC shows jitter information at the top ribbon results across the various solutions available for testing and monitoring:

The jitter values shown are split between incoming and outgoing jitter in milliseconds to the user or probe, as well as between audio and video. The data is averaged throughout the duration of the session.
Jitter threshold
When the jitter value is above a certain threshold value, it will be marked in red.
The default configuration is set to 30 milliseconds. This threshold can be changed through our support.
Things you should know about jitter
Here are a few things to remember in the back of your mind about jitter:
- Jitter is highly affected by the stability of the system. This includes network conditions as well as device performance
- In poor network conditions, you will be seeing high jitter, which will force WebRTC to either delay media playback in order to maintain smoothness or to drop audio and video frames arriving too late