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testRTC March 2022 Release Notes

testingRTC & upRTC

  • Added the ability to control the collection frequency of getstats during tests using the #getstats-frequencyrun option. This is useful for long running tests
  • The longer the test, the longer the collection interval is now going to be by default
    • For tests with a #timeout value of 20 minutes or more, we will collect statistics every 5 seconds
    • For tests with a #timeout value of 60 minutes or more, we will collect statistics every 30 seconds


Up until today, all of our graphs had their X axis relative time, which started from 00:00. With watchRTC, we started hearing more and more requests to also support absolute time, to make it easier to correlate events and metrics behavior to the wall clock. So we added just that – across all high level and probe/peer level graphs in testRTC. There’s a new clock icon which enables you to alternate between absolute and relative time.

  • We are tightening our security on our platform. Part of it is making sure that our customers don’t integrate with us using insecure interfaces. From this version and on, webhooks used can only use TLS 1.2 or newer
  • /testruns/ and /testagents/ API calls to get results of test runs now also show frames per second for incoming and outgoing video


  • We’ve added a test to check for muted or unavailable microphones
  • Browsers now throttle tabs that are sent to the background. This may cause inaccuracies and timeouts to network tests conducted by qualityRTC. We’ve added indication in the results log on the time the test spent in the background
  • Internationalization now supports also Arabic, German and Japanese languages


Please update to the latest version of our SDK. This is important to enjoy some of the new features (and to help us weed out some nagging collection bugs).

Advanced filters for Highlights and Trends

An image is worth a 1,000 words. How about an animated GIF?

We’ve added to the watchRTC highlights and trends the ability to filter the graphs based on a slew of metrics and parameters.

This gives you superpowers in how you look at your deployment.

Countries in Trends

We’ve added a countries view to trends.

You’ll now see a map along with the top 5 countries accessing your service:

Webhooks for watchRTC notifications

UPDATE: We’ve renamed watchRTC custom notifications to custom alerts.

Last time we added custom notifications to watchRTC. These notifications enable you to set up notifications on quality metrics of any session taking place that watchRTC collects. The results were then aggregated on the Highlights dashboard as well as appear prominently on room and peer level views of the History dashboard.

Now you can catch these notifications as webhooks. Learn more about webhooks in watchRTC.

GetUserMedia failure tracking

GetUserMedia failures are one of these things that need to be handled by the application, but having more information about their prevalence can be quite useful. Due to popular demand, we’ve added this to watchRTC as well.

GetUserMedia failures are now collected and reported back to watchRTC once a peer connection is created. They can then be found on the Advanced WebRTC Analytics, peer level view and also filtered in the History view:

Here and there

  • Deep linking roomId and peerId with your application
    • We’re now making it super easy to programmatically “figure out” the URL that points to a room or a specific peer in a room. This can help in “fusing” watchRTC into your own monitoring and analysis tools and reducing the time you need to spend searching
    • On the reverse side, we can now configure a URL template to redirect roomId and peerId fields to a URL of your choosing. This can help you jump to your dashboard with additional application specific information you hold about the room or peer
    • Learn more about watchRTC URL redirections
  • You can now export the highlights and trends dashboards to PDF – that can be useful if you need to share it “elsewhere”
  • Custom events in watchRTC now support additional parameters on the event. This makes it easier to troubleshoot the application logic
  • Also with custom events – now the global events will show the peer id on the charts when you hover on the event
  • watchRTC SDK caused a slight freeze at the beginning of the first peer connection. This has been resolved and removed
  • Using a proxy for watchRTC now handles geolocation properly

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