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Analyze WebRTC Dump

You can use testRTC to analyze WebRTC dump files taken from your real devices. In order to obtain a webrtc-internals dump file, please perform the following steps:

How to download a webrtc-internals dump file

  1. In your local browser, open a new tab and go to chrome://webrtc-internals/
  2. In a separate browser tab, start a WebRTC session and while in the session (don’t close the WebRTC session)
  3. Click on ‘Create Dump’
  4. Click on the ‘Download the PeerConnection updates and stats data’ button
  5. Choose a location and filename for the WebRTC Dump file
  6. At this point you can close the WebRTC session

    Here’s a quick video explainer for this:

Using analyzeRTC to view webrtc-internals dump file

testRTC offers a tool called analyzeRTC which lets you drag and drop a webrtc-internals dump file and visually review it. For that:

  1. In testRTC, click on the analyzeRTC menu item in the left-hand sidebar in the testRTC dashboard
  2. Drag the stored webrtc-internals dump file to the large icon area or use the UPLOAD button
  3. After the analysis is completed, click on the ‘RESULTS’ button

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