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qualityRTC invites

qualityRTC invites is a mechanism provided to Enterprise plans of qualityRTC. This mechanism enables support staff to generate unique invitations to conduct network tests using qualityRTC which are preconfigured. The configuration of an invite can include existing form field values and even new custom fields generated for the purpose of using the specific invite.


If enabled in your account, then the qualityRTC menu on the sidebar will now be split and show a new Invites sub menu.

Selecting that sub menu item will bring you to a new table which manages existing invites in qualityRTC.

You will be able to add, modify and delete existing invites. Invites that expired will automatically be removed from this table after a few days time.


When creating an invite, you will be able to fill out the following entry fields:

  • Invite Name – an internal verbose name for you to identify the invite with
  • Fields associated with your qualityRTC configuration – these can be kept empty if you wish the end user to fill them in
  • Expiration Time – the last date the invite will be valid. After that date, trying to use an invite link will fail
  • Number of Tests – the number of times the invite can be used by users
  • Options – additional optional custom fields and values. You can read more about the Options JSON structure


  • Invites can be created via API calls
  • The results table can be embedded as an iframe in your web application


  • Once created, the invite will generate a URL. You can send this URL to users to conduct their network tests
  • All results collected by an invite that was used will be shown both on the bottom of the invite page as well as on the History table of qualityRTC
  • If you are using qualityRTC invites, you can configure the main network test page to work exclusively with it, barring users from using it without a specific invite link

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