qualityRTC offers a high level of customization. When you onboard to our service, we take care of the following configuration specifically for you:
- URL – pick your own URL for the
- Look and feel – header and footer, along with colors to fit your brand
- Tests conducted – select which tests to conduct in the network testing product
- Backend to work with – integrate with your specific backend infrastructure for more accurate results
Other customization alternatives include:
- Limit access to the web page using a password
- Use the service via an API layer, embedding it directly to your own application’s workflow
- Configure custom notifications and reports
When a user starts a test in our qualityRTC service, multiple tests are conducted, each one specialized for a certain set of analysis needs. Which tests to run and what data to collect is defined along with you at the point of onboarding.
Each test conducted “lives” inside its own widget, providing a clean UI and an easy to use analysis dashboard for you and your end users.
Which tests and widgets to run as part of your test page is something that is defined during the onboarding stage.
Test Flow
When users conduct a test in qualityRTC, you can decide on any of the following workflow:
- Email and reason must be filled to start the test; or
- After running the test, the user can optionally fill out an email and reason, sending a report
Other configuration alternatives here include:
- Forcing password entry before running tests
- Replacing email and reason fields with other fields, such as name, case number or anything else
- Adding more fields as needed (such as organization)
- Pre-fill these fields through URL parameters
qualityRTC Tests Library
qualityRTC comes with a rich (and growing) list of available tests.
These tests can be found in our Widgets Library. There are two types of tests conducted:
- Silent tests , run silently as part of the network tests. Their data is collected as part of the logs but not reported unless an issue is found
- Visual tests, which appear in the UI no matter if the results are good or bad. These make up the majority of the widgets in our library