testRTC exposes an API for WebRTC service monitoring and testing automation in order to enable programmatic access for developers to our service.
View API Documentation
Please perform the following steps in order to view our API documentation:
- In order to see the API, you will need your account’s private API Key. The API key can be found in the dashboard under Settings. If you can’t find the API Key, please contact us.
- Go to https://apidoc.testrtc.com
- Click on ‘Authorize’, enter your API Key, and click on ‘Authorize’
- Click on the endpoints to extend the endpoint’s documentation
API parameters
In the API endpoints you will need to use a few parameters. Please perform the following steps in order to retrieve the needed parameters:
- In testRTC web console, click on ‘Tests’ in the left menu bar and click on the relevant test name
- In the ‘Test Configuration’ page, extract the testId from your web browser’s
- In testRTC web console, click on ‘Test Run History’
- Select a test run
- In the ‘Test Run History – Test Results’ page, extract the testRunId from your
web browser’s link
- In testRTC web console, click on ‘Test Run History’
- Select a test run
- Select a machine/iteration from the Test Sessions / Groups
- In the ‘Test Iteration Results’ page, extract the testAgentId from your web
browser’s link