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Status 30003, 30004, 30006 - You are connected via VPN

This may affect call quality. Make sure it is your intention and that the VPN is configured properly for such calls. Read the full article to learn more.

Code: 30003, 30004 or 30006
Type: Warning
Category: Network
Products: qualityRTC
Message: You are connected via VPN. This may affect call quality. Make sure it is your intention and that the VPN is configured properly for such calls.

What is this about?

We’ve detected that you might be connected via VPN. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. In a VPN connection, traffic gets tunneled from your device to the VPN server and from there to the actual services you are trying to connect to.

A VPN can be used personally, to hide your identity and location from the services you connect to. It can also be used commercially by businesses to protect their network traffic from external threats.

VPNs usually have a degrading effect on live traffic, including WebRTC based voice and video calls.

Potential risks

VPNs might cause your calls and meetings not to connect or to degrade in media quality considerably due to a myriad of reasons.

Suggested actions to take

  • If you are using a personal VPN that you installed, consider disabling it or configuring it in a way that will improve real time traffic routing or even enable WebRTC sessions to bypass the VPN tunnel

  • If you are using a corporate VPN, then reach out to the network administrator to check the configuration of the VPN and how it applies to your device and sessions

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