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Status 2051 - Device is already in use

getUserMedia: Device is already in use. Read the full article to learn more.

Code: 2051
Type: Warning
Category: Device
Products: testingRTC, watchRTC, analyzeRTC
Message: getUserMedia: Device is already in use

What is this about?

The device (camera or microphone) the user is trying to use for the session is already used by some other application on his machine.

What does this look like in the analysis?

If you open testRTC Internals, then under User Media you should see a failure with the reason AbortError.

Potential risks

When a user selects a device he can’t use, it means that the session won’t be established or won’t use that device. In many cases, this ends up as a session without outgoing video.

Suggested actions to take

  • Instruct the user to check if Zoom or any other PC application is opened on his machine and using his microphone or camera. That application should be closed

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