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Status 6002 - Encoded more frames than sent

Encoded more frames than sent (X frames discarded). Read the full article to learn more.

Code: 6002
Type: Warning
Category: Video specific
Products: testingRTC, watchRTC, analyzeRTC
Message: Encoded more frames than sent (X frames discarded)

What is this about?

The device encoded more video frames that it ended up sending over the network, which is wasteful.

What does this look like in the analysis?

If you open testRTC Internals, then for the outgoing video channel, you will see that the framesEncoded is higher than framesSent.

Potential risks

When more video frames are encoded than being sent then there is an indication of a problem.

  1. More CPU is used and invested in video encoding than should be

  2. Frames being dropped on the sender means the receiver might not be able to decode the video properly, leading to video quality issues

These may indicate fluctuations in bandwidth estimation or packet losses causing the request of key frames to be created and sent.

Suggested actions to take

  • See if there is any good reason for video frames to be dropped. Packet losses close to the frame drops and an increase in key frames being sent is a good indication

  • Check if the packet loss and network behavior is in line with your expectations

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