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Status 2052 - Device has issues

getUserMedia: Device has issues. Read the full article to learn more.

Code: 2052
Type: Warning
Category: Device
Products: testingRTC, watchRTC, analyzeRTC
Message: getUserMedia: Device has issues

What is this about?

The device (camera or microphone) the user is trying to use for the session cannot be used due to a technical error.

What does this look like in the analysis?

If you open testRTC Internals, then under User Media you should see a failure with the reason NotReadableError.

Potential risks

This usually means that the device selected - microphone or camera, cannot be connected to because of a technical issue. This might be on the hardware level, the operating system level, the device drivers level or the browser software level.

The exact issue cannot be pinpointed easily in this case.

Suggested actions to take

  • There is no specific action to be taken here, besides tracking to see how prevalent the issue is and trying to figure out if it is endemic to a certain browser or operating system

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