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Status 3050 - ICE connection failure

ICE connection reached a failure state. A WebRTC session couldn’t be connected or failed prematurely. Read the full article to learn more.

Code: 3050
Type: Warning
Category: Signaling
Products: analyzeRTC
Message: ICE connection reached a failure state. A WebRTC session couldn’t be connected or failed prematurely

What is this about?

ICE is used in WebRTC to get media connected in WebRTC sessions. As a mechanism, it attempts to use multiple IP addresses through a process known as ICE negotiation. If this process fails, then inside WebRTC, the ICE connection state reaches a failed state, which causes this warning.

ICE failures usually happen when there is no path available to connect the session. It can occur immediately, or can even happen at the middle of the session, severing an existing connection (usually, when there are network interface changes).

Potential risks

ICE connection failures are bound to happen, as not all sessions can successfully complete.

You can use this warning to drill down and figure out if this failure occurred due to an infrastructure failure on your end. It is also advisable to look at and track the percentage of failures across the platform over time.

Suggested actions to take

  • Drill down to see if the issue is related to an infrastructure malfunction or failure

  • Track percentage of failures across your platform over time

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