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Status 4200, 4201, 4210, 4211 - Network fluctuations might be causing incoming audio quality issues

Media device changed multiple times. Read the full article to learn more.

Code: 4200, 4201, 4210, 4211
Type: Warning/Error
Category: Media
Products: analyzeRTC
Message: Network fluctuations might be causing outgoing/incoming audio/video quality issues

What is this about?

We noticed that your session experienced some fluctuations in the media. Based on the specific message you received, this is either about incoming or outgoing media, and related to audio or video:
Code Direction Media type
4200 Incoming Audio
4201 Outgoing Audio
4210 Incoming Video
4211 Outgoing Video

Fluctuations in the media occur when the values measured for media quality metrics (packet loss, jitter, and round-trip time) are noticeably higher than the average measurement.

The message notification also includes the time within the session that these issues were noticeable, giving you a better idea as to the extent of the issue.
Note: If the erratic behavior also breaches the error threshold of the given metric, then it will be marked as an error instead of a warning.

Potential risks

For sessions that are quite long, the average quality metrics can be misleading – they can show results that seem good while hiding behind them momentary spikes in the metrics which can indicate media quality issues.

Suggested actions to take

  • Look closer at the data and see if this makes sense

  • Correlate the timing of the poor measurements with infrastructure side metrics to see if this is a client-side issue or a server-side issue

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