Getting started with watchRTC

When planning on using watchRTC, there will be several steps you should follow to make the most out of the service. Here are the suggested best practices you should consider and take care of before placing the watchRTC SDK in your production system.

  • Must do, Should do, Can do

    Some steps are mandatory, some are not. Others are just really helpful when it comes to troubleshooting. Check out our list here to see what you should be looking at (or not). Must do Here, the steps are mandatory. Without th...

  • Create a watchRTC API key

    In order to use watchRTC, you’ll need a special API key for it. This API key is used to associate the SDK with your account. To create and use an API key, follow these steps: Enable watchRTC: If you created your own evalu...

  • Installing the watchRTC Javascript SDK

    watchRTC requires you to integrate an SDK with your own running code. For that purpose, you will need to add the watchRTC Javascript SDK to your JS application To start using the watchRTC JavaScript SDK library to collect WebRTC-related ...

  • Installing the watchRTC iOS SDK

    watchRTC requires you to integrate an SDK with your own running code. For that purpose, you will need to add the watchRTC iOS SDK to your iOS application. Note: The SDK has been designed to be as effi...

  • Installing the watchRTC Android SDK

    watchRTC requires you to integrate an SDK with your own running code. For that purpose, you will need to add the watchRTC Android SDK to your Android application. Note: The SDK has been designed to be as efficient as possible and us...

  • Rooms and peers in watchRTC

    watchRTC collects metrics from WebRTC sessions to make them easy to analyze and review. Towards that end, you will need to tell watchRTC for each user joining, where it belongs to. This is done using the peerId and roomId configu...