Scripts Library

The scripts library contains several sample scripts to get you started. They provide great starting points for use with many popular applications such as Jitsi, Twilio and OpenVidu.

  • How to measure re-ramp-up time for WebRTC video calls

    An important aspect of performance measurement is to check how long it takes for your media server to re-ramp up back to a high bitrate after experiencing poor network conditions. Re-ramp-up time We’d like to show you how to simulate...

  • AppRTC sample test script

    AppRTC is Google’s original sample/demo for a peer-to-peer WebRTC implementation. In December 2021, Google decided to no longer support the hosted version of it and only offer it as a github rep...

  • Jitsi Meet sample test script

    Jitsi Meet is a very popular open source video conferencing engine. If you are using it, then the script provided here is a great starting point. Preparation There is a “Jitsi example” script in any account created on testRT...

  • Twilio Video React App sample test script

    Twilio Video React App is an open source application provided by Twilio as a reference to those developing video based application. If you are using this as a starting point, then the script provided here is a great way to in...

  • BigBlueButton sample test script

    BigBlueButton is an open source teaching platform. If you are using it, then the script provided here is a great starting point. Preparation Create an account To use this test script, you first need to have an account on the ...

  • OpenVidu sample test script

    OpenVidu is an open source video conferencing framework with a ready-to-use UI. If you are using it as your baseline, then the script provided here is a good starting point. Preparation The script below create...

  • Daily sample test scripts

    Daily is a CPaaS vendor focusing on faster time to market with a mixture of APIs and Prebuilt (lowcode/nocode) solutions. If you are using Daily, then your best starting point...