Scripts Library
The scripts library contains several sample scripts to get you started. They provide great starting points for use with many popular applications such as Jitsi, Twilio and OpenVidu.
How to measure re-ramp-up time for WebRTC video calls
An important aspect of performance measurement is to check how long it takes for your media server to re-ramp up back to a high bitrate after experiencing poor network conditions. Re-ramp-up time We’d like to show you how to simulate...
AppRTC sample test script
AppRTC is Google’s original sample/demo for a peer-to-peer WebRTC implementation. In December 2021, Google decided to no longer support the hosted version of it and only offer it as a github rep...
Jitsi Meet sample test script
Jitsi Meet is a very popular open source video conferencing engine. If you are using it, then the script provided here is a great starting point. Preparation There is a “Jitsi example” script in any account created on testRT...
Twilio Video React App sample test script
Twilio Video React App is an open source application provided by Twilio as a reference to those developing video based application. If you are using this as a starting point, then the script provided here is a great way to in...
BigBlueButton sample test script
BigBlueButton is an open source teaching platform. If you are using it, then the script provided here is a great starting point. Preparation Create an account To use this test script, you first need to have an account on the ...
OpenVidu sample test script
OpenVidu is an open source video conferencing framework with a ready-to-use UI. If you are using it as your baseline, then the script provided here is a good starting point. Preparation The script below create...
Daily sample test scripts
Daily is a CPaaS vendor focusing on faster time to market with a mixture of APIs and Prebuilt (lowcode/nocode) solutions. If you are using Daily, then your best starting point...