watchRTC FAQ
Review frequently asked questions for watchRTC.
What identifiable information does watchRTC SDK collect?
watchRTC is focused on collecting metrics, events and KPIs that are important to analyzing and troubleshooting network and behavior issues in your WebRTC application. Since our SDK gets integrated into your...
What to do if the Javascript SDK doesnt seem to collect any data?
Validate the following: watchRTC.init() MUST be called before any call to RTCPeerConnection or those connection will not be captured Using a CPaaS SDK or any other third party WebRTC library? Make ...
What to do if the Android SDK doesn't seem to collect any data?
Validate the following: watchRTC.init() MUST be called before any call to RTCPeerConnection or those connections will not be captured. Are you using a CPaaS SDK or any other third-party WebRTC library? ...
How to configure firewalls for watchRTC metrics collection?
watchRTC collects its metric via a secure WebSocket connected to the testRTC backend servers. The only connection you need to configure on your firewall is for devices reaching out to wss://
Why are the WebRTC statistics in watchRTC different than what I see in webrtc-internals?
The watchRTC SDK works similarly to webrtc-internals, but collects at slightly different time intervals. webrtc-internals can collect at a frequency of a second. For most of our watchRTC clients, we configure the collection freque...
Can a room be kept open while empty in watchRTC?
By default, when you give watchRTC a roomId, it will check if that room exists and is open. If it is, then it will add the new peer that just joined into the existing room. If that room doesn’t exist (or got closed), then it will ...
Sessions and minutes information
The Sessions block at the top ribbon of watchRTC Highlights gives you the gist on your account’s activity: The Sessions and Minutes values adhere to the filters selected on ...
How to ignore WebRTC pre-call traffic or unimportant peer connections?
By default, watchRTC is an “all you can eat” attitude. This means it will try to collect as much telemetry and metric data from as many useful source as possible. This is great for the most part, but there are times wh...
How to integrate watchRTC with Amazon Connect
If you integrate directly with the Amazon Connect API , then you need to take the following steps in order for watchRTC to be able to capture the WebRTC metrics in Amazon Connect sessions. In general The watchRTC SDK ...
How to integrate watchRTC with Vonage Video API (OpenTok)
When using the watchRTC SDK, we need to be able to bind with the WebRTC APIs before Vonage Video API is loaded. Vonage Video API is also know as OpenTok or TokBox. In general Make sure you call watchRTC.init() prior to including...
watchRTC as a feature of JaaS
To make the process of collecting stats for JaaS (Jitsi as a Service) users easier, jitsi agreed to add the watchRTC SDK code inside the jitsi source code. This is done through the use of a watchRTCEnabled flag. JaaS will now...
Integrating the watchRTC SDK with server-side rendering frameworks like Next.js
When using server side rendering frameworks such as Next.js, the watchRTC SDK gets integrated and built on a server platform instead of inside the browser itself. This may lead to execution errors once you import and i...
My watchRTC API key is exposed on the client side, is it safe to expose API keys?
It is best practice not to expose API keys in the client-side code. However, the purpose of the watchRTC API key is solely for establishing a connection between the watchRTC SDK and the server, which enables the upload...
watchRTC Billing | How are minutes measured
For watchRTC billing, we've got a straightforward approach to ensure fairness and accuracy in tracking your usage. Let's break down how we measure those billable minutes: Initialization and Connection: Billable minutes comm...
Data privacy in watchRTC
watchRTC collects WebRTC metrics and other relevant data points needed to understand connectivity and quality of experience of your application. Some of the information collected is considered PII (Personally Identifiable Inf...
Is the track identifier the same as the UUID?
Yes. The track identified is also known as a UUID or track ID. Parent topic: watchRTC FAQ
Does the connection to the websocket need to remain open?
No. When there is no open connection between the application's and testRTC, any messages or data that the application sends are buffered or temporarily stored. They are held until a WebSocket connection becomes available. Thi...
Why are my track names not displayed?
This can happen when using the ‘replaceTrack’ function if the correct process is not followed afterward. When this method is used, the application should also call the ‘mapTrack’ function again with the ID corresponding t...
Why did I receive a ‘NotAllowedError’ or ‘NotFoundError’?
If the user denies permission, or matching media is not available, then the promise is rejected with ‘NotAllowedError’ or ‘NotFoundError’ DOMException. Parent topic: watchRTC FAQ