Reading WebRTC Test Results
Learn more about interpreting test results and what they mean.
A quick analysis example of a WebRTC test failure
The video below shows an example of how I look at test results: Look at the error message shown on the main test results page. It will tell you which probe “failed first” If there’s media, you can check ...
Exporting WebRTC test results to CSV
When running a large test with many probes, you may want to drill down into the results programmatically or use calculations we don’t offer out of the box. In such cases, you can either use our API to go through the data or u...
Using Call end information to debug WebRTC connectivity issues
High level charts of test runs include a yellow Call end vertical line in them. Here’s what it does and what you can use it for. What is Call end? The Call end vertical line indicates the time in the test when one of the ...
WebRTC test scoring
testRTC collects and analyzes a lot of different data points and metrics. To manage that information, testRTC also offers various scoring values for tests and collected monitors data. When opening test...
Machine performance values
Part of the data collected by testRTC includes machine performance metrics. This information is available for testingRTC and upRTC. When opening test results, you can find the machine performance metrics at the top ribbon bar...
Bitrate values
An important metric in media quality is bitrate. testRTC shows bitrate related information at the top ribbon results across the various solutions available for testing and monitoring: The bitrate values shown are split bet...
Packet loss values
Packet loss percentage indicates the percentage of media packets that were lost along the way. The higher the packet loss, the lower the overall media quality of the session is. testRTC shows packet loss percentage informatio...
Jitter values
Jitter indicates the deviation from the periodic receival of media packets in milliseconds. The higher the jitter, the lower the overall media quality of the session is. testRTC shows jitter information at the top ribbon resu...
RTT values
RTT indicates the round trip time (latency) observed. The higher the RTT, the lower the overall media quality of the session is. testRTC shows RTT information at the top ribbon results across the various solutions available f...