Find help troubleshooting issues such as test configuration or identifying errors.
Timeout after 300000 ms action:Run Test #1
testRTC is configured to terminate a test automatically after 5 minutes. This is why if you try to run a long test, it will fail with this error message. To resolve the issue, add #timeout:XXX to the run options of the test, ...
When I run the script, it has more steps than when I use my browser
Oftentimes, when you work with a browser, the web service will use cookies to skip steps for you. Cookies are used by the browser to store your preference, log you in without asking for the user name and password each time, o...
How can I tell that my test’s network profile is working?
If you are familiar with the iptables rules, you can see the actual rules in the test’s ‘Nightwatch logs’ tab (in the session level). You should see something like the following: iptables_flush_2 -------------------------- ip...
Channel without SSRC information (probably issue with SDP) limited/skewed stats
At times, you might see the following warning message in the report of your test: "Channel without SSRC information (probably issue with SDP) limited/skewed stats". This stems from a longstanding known issue in Chrome it...
Screenshot is not taken properly
Screenshots don’t work if an alert is present. Please handle the alert before you can take a screenshot. For further information, please refer to Parent topic: Troubleshoo...
It looks like the test/monitor is running properly but I see failure in testRTC report
While a WebRTC session is active, the browser collects statistical information that we will parse in order to present the test results, calculate test expectations, etc. If the browser will surf to a new URL, the browser will...
Use .execute() if .click() is not working
In case that .click() is not working as expected, you can try use the following code: client.execute('document.getElementById("ID_without_#")[0].click()') or client.execute('document.getElementsByClassName("ID_without_.")[0].click()'...
How can I identify errors in my script?
In order to debug and find errors that may exist in the script, please follow these steps: After the test has ended, click on one of the failed probes. In the Test Probe Results page, under the Overview section of the ...
“No WebRTC Data collected for this session” when there is data
No WebRTC Data collected for this session is an error we report on probes that we can’t find any WebRTC metric son them. It will happen when you are trying to connect a session but failing before the creation of a peer connec...
What to do when “No agent available to run test at [XXX]”
testRTC uses a mixture of static and dynamic machines to host its probes. When you start a test, based on the test’s characteristics, testRTC would decide if it should be allocated from the existing pool of machines or dynami...
getstats() legacy override
If the test script you executed failed and directed you to this knowledge base article, then this is for you. Otherwise, you can ignore it. getstats() implementations getstats() has two modes of operations in Chrome: Legacy stats...
Geolocation of our probe machines
Since we run our machines in cloud based data centers, oftentimes these don’t allow easy use of geolocations s like maxmind’s geoip service. That means that they sometimes show up in the wrong locatio...